My daughter LOVES this homemade playdough. I think it is because it is really soft which makes it easy (and fun) to play with. She also had a blast helping me make it! She added most of the ingredients and especially loved adding the food coloring. I was afraid we were going to end up with black playdough with all the colors she added the first time we made it!

Another nice thing about this recipe is that you probably already have most of the ingredients in your kitchen and if you don’t, it would be pretty inexpensive to purchase them!
How to make the BEST Playdough
- 2 Cups Flour
- 2 Cups Warm Water
- 4 Teaspoons Cream of Tartar
- 2 Teaspoons Vegetable Oil
- 1/2 Cup Salt
- Food Coloring (optional – mix in while it is cooking)
Add the flour, cream of tartar, & salt to a large pan and mix them together. Add in the water and vegetable oil. Mix together and cook over low heat, stirring constantly.

Add the food coloring while it is cooking.

The playdough is done once it forms a ball (looks like playdough) and is not sticky anymore.

Let the dough cool until you can touch it and then knead until soft & smooth.

Store the playdough in a resealable storage bag such as a ziploc bag.
Then, let the kids have fun with it! My daughter loves using cookie cutters to make shapes in the playdough and with this recipe, the cookie cutters cut through nicely!
Have fun!