I am excited to share our Q&A with Rise & Shine Christian Preschool and Kindergarten. I am thankful that Shannon Gerbershagen, the school’s Administrator took the time to answer the questions for us! I think this will be helpful to you in your search to find the right school for your child(ren)!
Rise & Shine Christian Preschool – Class Details
Question: Please give us an overview of the classes that you offer including ages, days of the week, and time of day.
Rise & Shine Christian Preschool and Kindergarten first opened in 2006. Since opening, we have had the honor of graduating over 1,000 Medina County students from our programs! Join our Rise & Shine family!
Rise & Shine Preschool and Kindergarten provides a variety of classes for children ages 2 through Kindergarten. We offer Preschool and PreK programs Monday through Friday in both the AM & PM. Our Kindergarten Program is full day Monday through Friday.
We also offer Extended Care classes that go beyond regular school hours. Extended Care is offered for MWF Preschool and PreK classes and M-F for Kindergarten students.
To view all the classes offered or for more information visit our website, HERE!
Question: How many teachers and students are in one class?
Answer: Small ratios are a priority! We continue to keep our roster below the maximum allotted students as a school policy.
For our current 2020-2021 school year, we have a 2:12 Preschool class ratio, 1:9 PreK class ratio, and 2:18 Kindergarten class ratio. We also have several support staff members that provide enrichment activities, elements of safety, and support for our teachers and students!
We plan to continue this format for the 2021-2022 school year.
Question: Do children need to be fully potty trained?
Answer: Children that participate in our Toddler Class do not need to be fully potty trained. (Toddler Class Information HERE.) Preschool age level classes and beyond all need to use the restroom completely independently.

Rise & Shine Christian Preschool – Education, Learning Styles, & Daily Schedules
Question: How much time are the children sitting at desks versus moving and learning through activities?
Rise & Shine believes in learning through play! The only “desks” offered are during dramatic play when they are magically transformed into cashier checkout lines or possibly an inviting lemonade stand. Your child’s imagination is a priority!
In our Toddler, Preschool, and PreK classes, the children are rarely sitting except for snack/lunch, circle time, and certain fine motor activities. Each classroom offers a daily choice center time. Students LOVE center time! Your child will be invited to explore writing, dramatic play, science, art, block, magnet, sensory centers, and more each day! Teachers often change dramatic play themes as the students’ interests, seasons and holidays change.
Our Kindergarten program continues the tradition of holding learning through play to a high value! Although children may be physically sitting more, movement in center time and small group opportunities are in our daily routine. (Learn more about Kindergarten HERE!)
Question: Please give us an example of a daily class schedule and/or link to a resource on your website that details this.
Answer: Each classroom has its own daily schedule based on age group and their exact class time, but example classroom activities are as follows:
- Morning Greeting (Each child independently hangs their belonging on a hook with their name and picture)
- Hand Washing
- Large Group Activity (Calendar discovery, weather discussions, storytime, bible time, job chart, the question of the day, and more! Children master skills such as taking turns, hand raising, thinking critically, and problem-solving.)
- Small Group Activities (Groups of 3-5 students meet with a teacher to complete an activity with a specific learning goal in mind)
- Choice Center Time (Children choose where and what centers they participate in. All materials in an interest center are placed intentionally as they explore dramatic play, art, science, writing, block, calendar centers, and more!)
- Transitions (Learning songs can always be heard throughout the halls! Teachers use transition times as opportunities for learning and to reinforce concepts)
- Snack
- Outdoor Play/Gym Time (Children work on gross motor skills and following directions while exploring with friends!)
- Bible Time (Rise & Shine strives to instill a love for Jesus in your child and explores Bible Stories and concepts daily)
- Specials (Music, Art, and Science)
- Handwriting (We use Handwriting Without Tears to teach writing skills. The curriculum uses hands-on, multi-sensory materials that appeal to children and increase their desire to learn.)
Question: Do the teachers have degrees/licenses/certifications in Early Childhood Education?
Answer: Even adults should continue to learn!
Currently, all of our lead teachers have a bachelor’s degree or associates degree in education. All Rise & Shine staff members are required to continue their educational training through provided professional development several times a year.

Rise & Shine – Safety, Discipline, & Health
Question: How do you monitor/control who is coming into the building while students are there?
Answer: Safety is a top priority at Rise & Shine! We work closely with the Brunswick Police Department and our staff completes safety drills with and without students throughout the year. All doors are locked throughout the day and our front desk staff follows a doorbell protocol for those needing to enter for any reason. All adults picking up students show proper identification that matches listed authorized adults for each child. (Parent Resources and Safety Letter HERE.)
Previous to Covid restrictions, we encourage in-classroom parent involvement! We welcome parents at classroom parties, parent mystery readers, various volunteer opportunities and more! Did you know we have a “PTA?” FORS is our parent-teacher unit or group. Through Friends of Rise and Shine FORS we strive to work in partnership with parents and teachers to enhance our ability to serve our students through engagement and empowerment of families. All parents are invited and encouraged to participate in FORS-sponsored events and projects! Past FORS- sponsored events include Trunk or Treat, Fall/Spring Spirit Weeks, seasonal donation collections, teacher appreciation dinners, Kindergarten Kick Off Celebration, Pictures with Santa, ice cream truck visits, Movie Night, Book Fairs, Career Day presentations and MUCH more!
Question: What is your school’s approach to discipline should it be needed?
Answer: Rise & Shine believes in redirection for misbehavior as much as possible. Each teacher evaluates the individual student’s needs while looking for positive intent, aiding them in working through their emotions and finding an appropriate solution.
Question: What happens if there is a COVID-19 outbreak?
Answer: Should there ever be a positive case at Rise & Shine, our first step of action is to call the Health Department and follow their guidance. As of now, we do not cross contaminate students. Students are only exposed to those in their own classroom. We also continue to follow Covid-19 Safety Protocols.
Question: Are students required to wear masks?
Answer: Masks are a parent choice in our Preschool and PreK Classrooms. Our Kindergarten program does require students to wear masks because they are of school age. We are licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and follow their policies.

Rise & Shine – Registration Information
Question: When is the deadline for registration? How do parents register their children?
Answer: Registration is coming quick! Rise & Shine Christian Preschool and Kindergarten uses a lottery registration system. The lottery for returning and Polaris Christian Church families is February 5, 2021. The lottery for NEW families is February 12, 2021. We ask that ALL registration forms be turned in before the lottery date so that you can be included. Each family is assigned a lottery number, numbers are pulled at random, and rosters are filled accordingly. You will be contacted on lottery day to learn your child’s classroom days and times.
After the lottery, we continue to take registration to fill any available spots. Please see our website for all registration questions and forms HERE.
We have a few more Virtual Information Nights in the coming weeks and Kindergarten Preview Night on January 21st. Want to join us virtually? Email admin@riseandshineeducation.com to RSVP
After viewing our website, if you have any questions please email
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for monthly newsletters, pictures from your child’s classroom, and other important announcements!
What is Rise and Shine’s Mission?
Rise & Shine Christian Preschool and Kindergarten is loved and supported by Polaris Christian Church. Polaris is passionate about its role in supporting families in their efforts to raise their children to know God and to follow Christ. Rise & Shine’s mission is to provide a loving, supportive, and safe environment where children will:
Establish a foundation for learning in Kindergarten and beyond, and learn about God’s awesome love and how to live out Christ’s example.
Would you like a virtual tour of Rise & Shine? Check us out HERE.