Q&A with Local Preschools in Medina County

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Preschool registration time is quickly approaching and as a mom, I know how hard it is to make the decision on when (or if) your child should go to preschool. It can be even more complicated to decide which school they should go to. We are fortunate that Medina County has a lot of really great Preschools, but that can also make the decision even harder.

I wanted to try and help you in your research so I reached out to many of the local Preschools and asked them if they would participate in a Q&A with us. Here are links to all the Q&A Articles:

Q&A with Hobby Horse Preschool

Q&A with Rise & Shine Christian Preschool and Kindergarten

Q&A with Leroy UMC Preschool

Q&A with Northside Christian Preschool

Q&A with St. Francis Xavier Little Sailors Preschool

Q&A with Medina Weekday Preschool

Q&A with Harmony Preschool

Please let me know if you found this to be helpful. If you did, I will try to do this every year with the local preschools. You can leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts!

Good luck with deciding on a school!

4 Responses

  1. Joy

    This is wonderful! Thank you for putting this together in one spot!

    • medinaohiomoms

      You’re welcome! I’m glad you found it to be helpful!!