medina county bakery, pastries, and donuts

Kassy’s Cookies and Sweets

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)

Never disappointed!

February 28, 2021

Kassy is a creative “cookier” among many other of her sweet treats. Her sugar cookies are beautiful and delicious. Her cakes are the best and always pleases a crowd. The best buttercream and macarons too. Can’t say enough nice things about her and her creations.


Seriously delicious!

February 27, 2021

Her cinnamon rolls and cakes are seriously the best! Amazing cookies and other sweet treats as well!


The best!

February 27, 2021

Kassy is seriously the nicest person ever and her cookies, cakes, and treats are TO DIE FOR. Highly recommend!!


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