Get your business in front of Medina County families!

There are many opportunities for you to advertise with us in order to get your business in front of Medina County families:

  • Upgrade your business listing to a premium listing in our business directory. A premium listing includes:
    • Your own logo & images
    • Website
    • Social Media
    • Email
    • Custom text describing your business
    • And more!
      • $50 one-time listing fee
  • Sponsored Blog Posts – We will write a blog post reviewing and/or giving details about your product, service, event, etc. The post will include high-quality photographs and a link to your website or social media page. This is a great way to highlight the specific details of your product/service! This post will be shared on all of our social media pages and you can share it on your social media as well.
    • $55 per post
  • Website Ads – Run an ad in the sidebar of our website to get your product, service, and/or event in front of our readers!
    • $35 per month*

*3 month minimum

Discounts will be given if you combine ads. If you have a different idea for an ad and/or if you would like to sign up for an advertisement or you would like to talk to us to get more details, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch ASAP! Thank you!!