I am really excited to share this guest blog post with you today! Lindsey is a mom, a blogger, and entrepreneur. She shares the beauty and real-life of being “knee-deep” in Motherhood. I think you will enjoy her post…
It hit like a ton of bricks the day we dropped our youngest off for the first day of preschool: in two short years all the kids would be in school full-time. Which left me, a SAHM, with lots of feelings and emotions.
Yay, my time has arrived!
Wait, what will I do with all this time?
Woo-hoo, time to get back to me!
Wait, who am I outside of mom?
It’s about to go down!
Wait, what exactly is about to go down?

For the past ten years it had been all about survival. In the day-to-day running of the household we are so focused on making it to bedtime, to the end of the week, or to the next milestone we don’t have time to slow down and think about us.
This is what we signed up for as parents: putting ourselves to the side for our kids. We no longer are the focus of our own attention. We are now focused on raising littles who will go out into the world like a force, a person with purpose and integrity, with wonderful morals and values.
However, what will happen to us when those little are ready to head out into the world? What then is our purpose?
Our purpose is still and will always be as mom. However, we now have time to add to ourselves. We have time, space, and energy to be mom and (fill-in-the-blank).
But what if we don’t know how to?
We’ve been so focused on one goal, one purpose, one way of life we are unsure where to go.
This day I had been dreaming of was just around the corner. I would have time for me, my dreams, my aspirations, my own time to do whatever in the world I wanted to do. So, why didn’t it feel better?
As I counted down and waited for this day, I never actually thought it would happen nor ever once think about what I would do when it did. In the waiting there is no time to process, or think, or even comprehend what having eight hours a day, five days a week will look like for you. Heck, you can’t even get eight minutes alone in a day.
I do know this is a process. It does not happen overnight. As your littles grow you slowly start to gain more time, more freedom, more space. It’s in those slivers of time when things start to take shape.
When you have time to breathe, you have time to think. When you have time to think, you start to focus on things you haven’t thought of in years. When you have time to focus, you have time for yourself.
It is there, in the middle of those thoughts where you will find your next chapter, your next move, your (fill-in-the-blank).

Lindsey is a stay at home mom of three (soon to be four) married to her college sweetheart residing in Bellevue, OH. She loves connecting with first time moms to share the reality of the daily motherhood journey. Follow along through her blog: Knee Deep in Motherhood or Instagram @kneedeep_in_motherhood. As her children have grown so has her love of sewing. She runs an Etsy shop Two Blue Stitches as well as offers sewing tips and tutorials to beginner sewers through Instagram @twobluestitches. If you have any questions or comments about either topic she would love to hear from you! Feel free to DM through social media at any time!