I am delighted to share our Q&A with Northside Christian Preschool. Cassie Hartzler is the director and I am grateful that she took the time to answer the questions for us. My hope is that this will be helpful in your search for a preschool for your child(ren).
Northside Christian Preschool – Class Details
Question: Please give us an overview of the classes that you offer including ages, days of the week, and time of day.
- Tiny Two’s – This class meets once a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. It is a Parent and Me class. The class session is 10:00-11:40.
- Three-Year-Old Class – This class meets twice a week with options of Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. The class sessions are 9:00-11:30 or 12:30-3:00. Students must turn three by September 30th.
- Four-Year-Old Class – This class meets Monday-Thursday. The class sessions are 9:00-11:30 or 12:30-3:00. Students must turn four by September 30th.
- Prek-4 Class – This class meets Monday-Friday. The class sessions are 9:00-11:30 or 12:30-3:00. Students must turn four by September 30th and be attending Kindergarten in 2022.
- Prek5 Class – This class meets Monday-Friday. The class sessions are 8:45-11:45 or 12:30-3:00. This class is for the young five-year-old who needs one more year of preschool before entering Kindergarten. Students must turn five by September 30.
Question: How many teachers and students are in one class?
Answer: Tiny Twos class has a limit of seven students with one teacher. Three’s
class ratio is ten students with one teacher. Four’s class ratio has two
options. The options are 20 students with two teachers or ten students with one
teacher. Prek4 class ratio is 20 students with two teachers. Prek5 class ratio is
20 students with two teachers.
Question: Do children need to be fully potty trained?
Answer: Our Three’s, Four’s, Prek4, and Prek5 students need to be fully potty trained to attend.

Northside Christian Preschool – Education, Learning Styles, & Daily Schedules
Question: How much time are the children sitting at desks versus moving and learning through activities?
Answer: We do not have individual desks in our preschool classrooms. Our classrooms
are designed with learning tables that are kidney-shaped and used for small
group teacher-directed activities which are in 15-minute rotations. The learning
centers that are available throughout the classroom include a free art table for
creative art, block centers, dramatic play centers, science centers, and a
library. These centers are visited by each student during rotations or free
Question: Please give us an example of a daily class schedule and/or link to a resource on your website that details this.
Answer: Our Daily Class Schedule is in our Parent Handbook on our website, you can view it HERE. Daily Class Schedules are on pages 6-10.
Question: Do the teachers have degrees/licenses/certifications in Early Childhood Education?
Answer: We are licensed under the Ohio Department of Education. All staff meets the required courses by ODE.
Northside – Safety, Discipline, & Health
Question: How do you monitor/control who is coming into the building while students are there?
Answer: The church building doors are locked during school hours. The south entrance of the building has a security door button. It alerts the Business Manager. She is able to talk through the intercom to monitor and unlock the door when needed.
Question: What is your school’s approach to discipline should it be needed?
Answer: You can refer to our Handbook under Discipline Policy on pages 12-15 on our website HERE.
Question: What happens if there is a COVID-19 outbreak?
Answer: We will follow the recommendations from the Medina County Health
Department and CDC for updates and guidance.
Question: Are students required to wear masks?
Answer: Our students are not required to wear masks.
Northside – Registration Information
Question: When is the deadline for registration? How do parents register their children?
Answer: Registration for the 2021-2022 school year begins for currently enrolled students on Tuesday, February 23rd at 8:00 a.m.
Northside Christian Church members can enroll Sunday, February 28th after
Open Registration is Monday, March 1st from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Enrollment will continue until the classes are full. More information about
registration and registration packets can be found on our website HERE.