I am excited to share our Q&A with Hobby Horse Preschool. Jennifer Vilimonovic is the director and was very kind to answer our questions in order to help you if you are in the process of looking for a Preschool for your child(ren) to attend.
Hobby Horse Preschool – Class Details
Question: Please give us an overview of the classes that you offer including ages, days of the week, and time of day.
Answer: Hobby Horse Preschool offers a variety of classes and times.
- Younger 3s Program: MWF AM or TTh AM (9:00 – 11:15), TTh PM (12:30 – 2:45). Child must be 3 by 9/30/21.
- Older 3s and Younger 4s: MWF AM (9:00 – 11:15) or MWF PM (12:30 – 2:45). Sessions are extended by 10 minutes starting January. Child must be 4 by 12/31/21.
- 4s Program: MWF AM (9:00 – 11:30) or PM (12:30 – 3:00) and TTh AM (9:00 -11:30) or PM (12:30 – 3:00). Child must be 4 by 9/30/21
- Older 4s and 5s: MWF AM (9:00 – 11:30) or PM (12:30 – 3:00) or TTh AM (9:00 – 11:30). Child must be 5 by 12/31/21
Hobby Horse also offers an optional 3rd session Wednesday PM or 4th session Tuesday PM for our 4s and 5s.
Question: How many teachers and students are in one class?
Answer: Hobby Horse Preschool chooses to keep its teacher to child ratios smaller than State Standards.
- All 3s and Younger 4s: 2 teachers to 10 children
- All 4s classes: 2 teachers to 16 children
- Older 4s and 5s: 2 teachers to 14 children
Question: Do children need to be fully potty trained?
Answer: Yes, children need to be fully potty trained in order to attend Hobby Horse Preschool.

Hobby Horse Preschool – Education, Learning Styles, & Daily Schedules
Question: How much time are the children sitting at desks versus moving and learning through activities?
Answer: The Hobby Horse Preschool curriculum is created by our professional staff to reflect the knowledge we have that preschool-age children learn best through play. Our activities are designed to involve the children in both group and individual activities. We work diligently to provide a curriculum that has Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) which allows each child to reach their own potential.
Using our Mission Statement as our guide we seek to foster the development of the whole child; socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually.
Question: Please give us an example of a daily class schedule and/or link to a resource on your website that details this.
3s Program
- 8:55 Arrival and Table Toys
- 9:15 Circle Time
- 9:30 Bathroom Break
- 9:40 Music/Large Muscle Time
- 10:00 Free Play/Arts and Crafts
- 10:35 Clean-Up Time
- 10:45 Juice Time
- 10:55 Story/Game
- 11:10 Get Ready for Dismissal
4s and 5s Program
- 8:55 Arrival and Table Time
- 9:10 Bathroom Break
- 9:20 Circle Time
- 9:40 Free Play/Centers/Project
- 10:30 Music/Large Muscle
- 10:50 Juice Time
- 11:00 Alphabet Work
- 11:20 Get Ready for Dismissal
Question: Do the teachers have degrees/licenses/certifications in Early Childhood Education?
Answer: Hobby Horse Teachers and Assistant Teachers have degrees in Education, CDA’s (Child Development Associates) or are qualified by the State of Ohio to teach preschool.
All staff update, yearly, their certification in Child CPR, First-aid, Communicable Disease Training, and Child Abuse Recognition. We also take Continuing Education classes throughout the year.
We have a very low staff turnover which provides us with continuity in staffing and produces a secure environment for our children and their families.

Hobby Horse – Safety, Discipline, & Health
Question: How do you monitor/control who is coming into the building while students are there?
Answer: All doors to the Hobby Horse hallway are locked once the children have arrived at school. Admittance to the preschool after the doors are locked can be gained by ringing the doorbell, identifying yourself, and having a staff member let you in.
A camera system monitors all of the doors of the church and a monitor is installed in the director’s office.
Children will only be dismissed to adults that are on an authorized pick up list or with specific consent. Photo ID is required. Our staff is equipped with walkie talkies to use in case of emergency.
Question: What is your school’s approach to discipline should it be needed?
Answer: At Hobby Horse Preschool, we redirect the child from inappropriate behavior with calm, but firm words from the teacher, a quiet activity until the child feels ready to make better choices or a change of scenery by taking a walk with the Director or Assistant Director within the preschool. The Director’s office also has quiet activities for the child to do until calm and ready to go back to the classroom. The child is never left without help and guidance.
Question: What happens if there is a COVID-19 outbreak?
Answer: Hobby Horse Preschool has been very fortunate in the fact that we have not had a single positive case among our staff and students. We implemented a plan at the beginning of the school year consisting of a very active cleaning schedule and strict illness policy in order to keep those entering our building healthy and safe. In the event an outbreak does present itself, we will be in immediate contact with the Medina County Health Department and ODJFS (Ohio Department of Job and Family Services), and will follow their guidance.
Question: Are students required to wear masks?
Answer: Preschool age children are not mandated by the State of Ohio to wear masks. If you prefer that your child wear a mask while at school, we will certainly support your decision.

Hobby Horse – Registration Information
Question: When is the deadline for registration? How do parents register their children?
Answer: Registration opens to the public at 10:30 am on Monday, January 25, 2021, and will remain open until all spots are filled. The 2021-2022 school year will start Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Visit www.hobbyhorsepreschool.org for more information.