6 Tips to Stay on Track with Exercise

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Kelly Bailey is Fitness Trainer in Medina County and I am excited to have her guest post today! I am also really thankful that she created a workout video specifically for the Medina Ohio Moms Community. Read through the article and at the bottom you will see how to view the workout video!

With the New Year upon us, you may be making a commitment to better yourself. That’s great! Maybe you want to lose weight, get stronger, or just be able to keep up with your kids without needing a nap at 3 PM. Exercise is key to achieving any health-related goal. But exercise is uncomfortable and it’s often hard to force yourself to do it.

Here are 6 tips to keep you on track. 

  • Set non-scale goals. Write down exactly what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it, and how you’ll benefit from achieving it. This has to be more than a weight loss goal. What does your goal body look like? How does it feel to be in your goal body? What will achieving your goal body allow you to do?
  • Choose one thing at a time. It’s easy to get sold on a “lifestyle transformation”. But trying to change everything at the same time is usually a recipe for ultimate failure. Commit to exercising or changing your diet. But not both at the same time. Get consistent with one thing before moving on to the next.
  • A little of something every day is better than a lot of something done a single time. Steer away from the mindset that you have to exercise for 60 minutes at a time or it “doesn’t count”. If you’re just getting started, working out for 60 minutes is often so miserable that you do it a few times and quit. Commit to just 10 minutes every day. Will 10 minutes of exercise transform your body? Maybe not overnight. But if you exercise for 10 minutes every day for the next year, you will absolutely see and feel a difference.  
  • Get it done early. If possible, work out in the morning before your day gets out of control. Studies show exercise is simply more likely to happen if you commit earlier in the day. Plus, starting your day with an accomplishment often has a “snowball effect”: it tends to lead to better choices all day.
  • Choose workouts that are efficient. There’s no need to exercise for an hour if you utilize time-efficient workouts. This is why full body weight training and interval training are my exercises of choice. These workouts are quick, target every major muscle group, improve cardiovascular output, and are a superior way to burn body fat.
  • Hire someone. A trainer can keep you safe, check your form, create custom workouts based on your goals, and keep you on track. Most of my clients don’t come to me because they don’t know how to exercise. They come because they simply won’t do it on their own. Sometimes having the appointment and shelling out the cash is what it takes to make it happen! 

As I mentioned, Kelly created a workout video specifically for us. To get the link for the video sent directly to you, please fill out the form below!

Get Access to Kelly’s Workout Video

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You can learn more about Kelly on her business page in our business directory!